
Psalm 94

1.1 God of vengeance, O Jehovah, God of vengeance, O shine forth!
2 Rise up, O you Judge of Nations! Render to the proud their worth.
3 O LORD, how long shall the wicked, how long shall the wicked boast?
4 Arrogant the words they pour out, ill men all, a taunting host.

2.5 They, Jehovah, crush your people and your heritage distress;
6 They kill sojourner and widow, murder they the fatherless.
7 And they say, "Jehovah sees not; Jacob's God does not have eyes."
8 Understand, O stupid people! When, O fools, will you be wise?

3. 9 Who the ear made, does he hear not? Who formed eyes, does he not see?
10 Who warns nations, does he smite not? Who men teaches, knows not he?
11 All the thoughts of men the LORD sees, knows that but a breath are they.
12 Blessed the man whom you chastise, LORD, whom you teach to know your Way.

4. 13 Give him rest from days of trouble, till the wicked be o'er-thrown.
 14 Our LORD will not leave his people, will abandon not his own.
15 When to every verdict given justice shall come back again,
    Everyone whose heart is upright will see righteous judgment then.

16 Who for me withstands the wicked? Who against wrong pleads for me?
17 If the LORD were not my helper, soon my soul would silent be.
18 If I say, "My foot is slipping!" LORD, your mercy will uphold.
19 When mine anxious thoughts are many, how your comforts cheer my soul!

20 Can destructive rulers join you and by law disorder build?
21 They conspire against the righteous, sentence just ones to be killed.
22 But the LORD is still my stronghold; God, my Refuge, will repay.
23 He'll for sin wipe out the wicked; them the LORD our God will slay.
Tune: Austria


Psalm 93

1 The LORD is king, enthroned in majesty most bright.
   The LORD is clothed about with strength; he girds himself with might.

2 Established is the world, its steadfast place to hold,
   for you're from everlasting, God, your throne is fixed of old.

3 Floods lifted up, O LORD, floods lifted up their voice,
   and floods will in the future too lift up their pounding waves.

4 But yet the LORD on high--more mighty far is he
   than is the pounding of the waves or breakers of the sea.

5 Your testimonies all excel in faithfulness.
    The beauty of your temple, LORD, is lasting holiness.

Psalm 92

1.1 It's good to thank the LORD,
To praise Your name, Most High!
2 To show Your love at dawn,
Your faithfulness all night!
3 The ten-stringed lyre
With sweet voiced lute and rippling harp
Your praise inspire.
2.4 Your deeds, LORD made me glad.
I'll joy in what You've done.
5 How great Your doings, LORD!
How deep Your thoughts each one!
6 Fools won't be shown;
The stupid can't accept this truth,
To him unknown!
3.7 Though sinners grow like weeds,
Ill-doers blossom may,
8 They're doomed to be destroyed.
You, LORD, exalted stay.
9 LORD, Your foes fall.
See! How Your foes, vain evil men,
Are scattered all!
4.10 You raised, like ox, my horn,
Poured fresh oil on my head.
11 You made me see the spies
And hear what plotters said.
12 Like thriving palm
The righteous grows, like cedars tall
On Lebanon.
5.13 Those planted by the LORD
Shall in God's courts be seen;
14 When old they'll still bear fruit
And flourish fresh and green,
15 And loud proclaim
How upright is the LORD, my Rock;
No wrong in Him!
Tune: Darwall's 148th, 66.66.4444. [E]


Psalm 91

1.1 Who with God Most High finds shelter
in th' Almighty's shadow hides.
2 To the LORD I'll say, "My Refuge!"
In my God my trust abides.
3 From the fowler's snare he'll save you,
from the deadly pestilence;
4 cover you with outspread pinions,
make his wings your confidence.
2.God's own truth, your shield and buckler;
5 you will fear no ill by night,
nor the shafts in daylight flying,
6 Nor disease that shuns the light,
nor the plague that wastes at noonday.
7 At your side ten thousand fall;
8  you will only see this judgment
which rewards the wicked all.
3.9 You have made the LORD your refuge,
God Most High your dwelling place;
10 nothing evil shall befall you;
in your tent no scourge you'll face.
11 He will angels charge to keep you,
guard you well in all your ways.
12 In their hands they will uphold you
lest your foot a stone should graze.
4.13 You shall trample serpents, lions,
tread on all your deadly foes.
14 For his love to me I'll save him,
keep him, for my name he knows;
15 when he calls me I will answer,
save and honor him will I.
16 I will show him my salvation,
with long life will satisfy.

From WW II this was one of my father's favorite Psalms (in the prose version).


Psalm 90

1 Lord, you have been our dwelling place through all the ages of our race.
2 Before you gave the mountains birth or formed and fashioned all the earth,
   from years which no beginning had to years unending, you are God!

3 You turn man back to dust again; you say, “Return to dust, O men!”
4 For in your sight a thousand years when past, like yesterday, appears;
   a thousand years are in your sight brief as a portion of the night.

5 You with a flood have swept men on, so like a sleep they're quickly gone,
They're like the grass which quickly grows--each morning its new growth it shows;
6 though green beneath the morning sun, it's withered ere the day is done.

7 For by your anger we're consumed, and by your wrath to terror doomed.
8 Our sins you set before you sight, our secret sins in your clear light.
9 Beneath your wrath we fade and die; our years are ended with a sigh.

10 For some life's years are seventy; perhaps the strong will eighty see.
    Yet is their best but toil and woe; all quickly ends; how soon we go!
11 Who has your anger understood? Who fears your fury like he should?

12 Teach us count aright our days, to set our hearts on wisdom's ways.
13 Return, LORD! How long will it be? Let us, your, servants, mercy see.
14 Your grace send with the morning rays; we'll sing for joy though all our days.

15 Give joy that answers all the tears, the troubles in those days and years.
16 Your work to all your servants show; your glory on their sons bestow.
17 O Lord our God, let favor rest; our works confirm; our labors bless.

 Tune: St Chrysostom by Joseph Barnby
we cannot currently find a midi of this.
This can be sung to any long meter (LM) tune
 or any that is marked as etc.


Psalm 89


1 Of GOD’S love I’ll sing forever, To each age Your faithfulness.
2 I’ll declare Your love’s forever, Founded in the word from heav’n:
3 “With My Chosen I’ve made cov’nant, To my servant David sworn:
4 ‘I’ll your line confirm forever, To each age build up your throne.”

5 LORD, the heavens praise Your Wonders, Angels sing Your faithfulness.
6 For none matches GOD in heaven, Who’s like GOD in heaven’s throng?
7 God is feared among the angels, He’s more awesome than they all.
8 LORD, O God of hosts, who’s like You? Mighty God, You’re girt with truth.

 . . . .

20 “I have found my servant David; With My oil anointed him.
21 My hand will be ever with him, And My pow’r will make him strong.
22 None to tribute will subject him, Nor will wicked ones oppress.
23 I will crush his foes before him; Those who hate him I’ll strike down.

24 “My strong love and truth is with him; I will raise his head up high;
25 To the Sea his rule extending, And to rivers in the east.
26 He will cry: ‘You are my Father; You’re my God, my Saviour, Rock.’
27 I’ll appoint him as My firstborn, Highest of the kings of earth.

28 “I’ll keep love for him forever, My oath to him will not fail.
29 I’ll his line establish always, And his throne for evermore.
30 If his sons forsake My teaching,
31 Break My laws, commands and rules,
32 I’ll their sins severely punish,
33  But not take my love from him.

. . . .

50 Lord, remember all the insults Which Your servants bear for You.
In my heart I bear the insults Taunting nations cast on them.
51 Insults, LORD, for Your Anointed, Mocking ev’ry step he takes.
52 Yet, LORD, You are ever blessed, So I say, Amen! Amen!


Psalm 88

1 LORD, the God of my salvation,
   day and night I cry to you.
2 Let my prayer now find acceptance
   in your mercy answer me.
3 Full of trouble, I am dying;
4 helpless, to the pit I'm brought.
5 Cast adrift as in death's darkness,
   severed from your thought and care.

6 To the lowest pit you've brought me,
7 even to the darkest depth.
   Your wrath heavy lies upon me;
   I'm o'erwhelmed with waves of wrath.
8 You've my close friends taken from me,
   made them all my name despise.
   I'm confined as in a dungeon.
9 I am blinded by my tears.

     God of grace, each day I cry out,
     and I raise my hands to you.
10 Do you show the dead your wonders?
     Do the dead rise up and praise?
11 Is your love in grave recited,
     your truth in destruction told?
12 Are your wonders seen in darkness,
     and your deeds in land of doom?

13 Still I cry to you for help, LORD;
     ev'ry morn to you I pray.
14 Why, O LORD, do you reject me,
     and your face turn from my soul?
15 From my youth I've been afflicted,
     constantly been close to death.
     I have suffered from your terrors,
     and I am in deep despair.

16 Over me your anger rages;
     your assaults have cut me off.
17 All day long I am afflicted:
     by a flood I am engulfed.
18 You have taken dearest loved ones,
     and my friends put far from me;
     so that I, as my companion,
     have the gloom of darkness near.

A song. A psalm of the sons of Korah. For the director of music.
According to mahalath leannoth. A maskil of Hemen the Ezrahite.
Tune: Genevan 42
Our Preferred  Tune : Amara 


Psalm 87

A psalm of the sons of Korah. A song.

1 GOD's founded his city upon holy hills.
2 He loves Zion's gates more than all Jacob's homes.
3 O city of God, listen closely I say,
   for glorious things have been spoken of you!

4 I'll make proclamations of Egypt's proud land,
   and Babylon too, as now knowing my grace;
   the land of Phil-lis-tia with Tyre and with Cush-
   of these I will say now: “This one there was born.”

5 For truly of Zion it will be declared:
   “This one there and that one in her have been born.”
   And God the Supreme, in enlarging her thus,
   is he who himself will establish her sure.

6 The LORD, in enrolling the nations of earth,
   will write of each one, “This in Zion was born.”
7 The singers and minstrels will all cry aloud:
   “The springs of salvation are all found in you.”

It can be sung with or without the refrain.


Psalm 86

1 Turn to me, LORD, hear my cry,
   for I poor and needy am.
2 Keep me safe is what I pray,
   for I'm steadfast in your way.
   Save your servant – you're my God,
   and I ever trust in you.

3 Mercy show to me, O Lord,
   for I cry to you each day.
4 Make your servant sing your song,
   for your presence Lord, I long.
5 Lord, you're good, keen to forgive;
   those who seek you know your love.

6 To my prayer, O LORD, give ear;
   give attention to my plea.
7 In my strife, to you I go,
   for you'll answer me I know.
8 There's no God like you, O Lord;
   none can make what you have made.

9   All the nations that you've made,
     Lord, will bow and honor you.
10 You are great, do wondrous things;
     you are God, yes, you alone.
11 God of grace teach me your way;
     I will walk on in your truth.

     Give to me a single heart
     so that I may fear your name.
12 Lord my God, I'll praise in truth,
     give you honor evermore.
13 For your love to me is great;
     you'll deliver from the grave.

14 God, the proud against me rise;
     ruthless men now seek my life:
     men without regard for you.
15 But, Lord, you're a God of grace,
     full of pity, patient too,
     loyal in your cov'nant love.

16 Turn to me and mercy show.
     To your servant give your strength;
     rescue me, your handmaid's son.
17 Show to me a sign for good,
     so my foes may see, be shamed,
     know that you, God, help and save.

A prayer of David.


Psalm 85

1   LORD, your heart in love has yearned
          on your lost and fallen land; 
     Israel's race is homeward turned,
 2       you have freed your captive band;
     you have borne your people's sin,
          covered all their deeds of ill; 
 3   all your wrath is gathered in,
          and your burning anger still.

4   Turn us, stay us, now once more,
          God of all our health and peace; 
     let your cloud of wrath fly o'er,
          from your own your fury cease. 
5   Will you ne'er the storm assuage
          on the realm of your desire, 
     lengthening out from age to age
          your consuming jealous ire?

6   Will you not in mercy turn?
          Turn, and be our life again,
     that your people's heart may burn
          with the gladness of your reign. 
7   Show us now your tender love;
          your salvation, Lord, impart;
8    I the voice divine would prove,
          Listening in my silent heart:

     listening what the Lord will say      
          'Peace' to all that own his will: 
     To his saints that love his way,
          'Peace,' and 'turn no more to ill.' 
9   You that fear him, nigh at hand
          now his saving health will find, 
     that the glory in our land,
          As of old, may dwell enshrined.

10   Mercy now and justice meet,
          Peace and truth for aye embrace;
11   truth from earth is springing sweet,
          justice looks from her high place.
12   Nor will God his goodness stay,
          nor our land her bounteous store:
13   marking out her Maker's way,
          righteousness shall go before.

Adapted from the 1880 Irish Psalter
Tune: "St. George's Windsor"  
Come, ye thankful people, come,
Raise the song of harvest home;
All is safely gathered in,
Ere the winter storms begin;


Psalm 84 paraphrase from 1912

Delight in Church Ordinances. 
1 O Lord of Hosts, how lovely your tabernacles are;
   for them my heart is yearning in banishment afar.
2 My soul is longing, fainting your sacred courts to view;
my heart and flesh are crying, O living God, for you.

3 Beneath your care the sparrow finds place for peaceful rest;
   to keep her young in safety the swallow finds a nest;
   then, Lord, my King Almighty,your love will shelter me;
   beside your holy altar my dwelling-place shall be.

4 Blest they who dwell in your house, whose joy and strength you are;
5 forever they will praise you, your ways are in their heart.
6 though tried, their tears like showers shall fill the springs of peace,
7 and all the way to Zion their strength shall still increase.

True Blessedness.
8  Lord God of Hosts, in mercy my supplication hear;
    almighty and all-faithful, our fathers' God, give ear;
9  our shield and great defender,no longer hide  your face,
    but look upon  your servant, anointed by your grace.

10 In your blest courts to worship, my God, a single day
     is better than a thousand while far from you I stray;
     just standing in your doorway a servant of my Lord
     I choose above all pleasures that sinful tents afford.

11 A sun and shield forever is God, the Lord Most High;
     to those who walk uprightly no good will he deny;
     his saints, his grace receiving, shall soon his glory view;
12 O Lord of Hosts, how blessed is he that trust in you.
This is a favorite with our family.
We named our house from the second stanza:
Sparrow's Rest
Tune :St. Edith


Psalm 83

1.1 Do not be silent, God or unresponding!
Do not remain at rest, O Mighty One!
2 For now Your foes arouse and make a clamor;
Your bitter enemies lift up the head.
3 Against Your people now they plot in secret;
They meet to work against Your hidden ones.
4 They say, "Let us go up and end their nation.
The name of Israel shall be no more!"
2.5 Together they conspire in deadly earnest;
Against You they have made a covenant.
6 The Ishmaelites are there, the tents of Edom,
The men of Moab with the Hagarenes.
7 See Gebal, Amalek, with men of Ammon;
Behold Philistia and them of Tyre.
8 For Asshur too has come and joins their forces;
They are the power of the sons of Lot.
3.9 Treat them like Midian, like Jabin's army.
Treat them like Sisera at Kishon's brook.
10 At Endor they were all annihilated,
And they became as dung upon the ground.
11 Like Oreb make their chiefs, their lords like Zebah!
12 Who thought they would possess the land of God.
13 My God, O make them be like whirling dust clouds;
Make them like bits of chaff before the wind.
4.14 Like fire that burns the woods, like flames of lightning,
15 Pursue them with Your storms and strike with fear.
16 Fill up their faces with humiliation,
And let them seek Your name, Jehovah, then.
17 Let them be terrified and shamed forever,
And let them be dismayed and be destroyed.
18 Let them know You alone-You are Jehovah-
You are the One Most High o'er all the earth.

this is a much loved song and tune in our family: Salvum Fac, 

Psalm 82

1.1 God is in his congregation; Judge among the gods he stands.
2 How long will you judge unjustly, favoring the wicked hands?
2.3 Judge the destitute and orphan, and the poor, distressed defend;
4 free the destitute and needy; save them from the wicked's hand.
3.5 These are they who have no knowledge,to perceive no effort make;
they walk on in utter darkness; all of earth's foundations shake.
4.6 Gods you are, I have declared it, sons now of the Highest, all;
7 yet you'll die as common men die and like any prince shall fall.
5.8 Now, O God, arise we pray you,and the earth to judgment call;
For you, as your own possession, shall inherit nations all.


Psalm 81

1 To God our Strength, to Jacob's God,
   a song and shout now raise!
2 With psalm and timbrel, harp, and lute,
   awake to joyous praise!
3 At each new moon the trumpets blow
   for solemn festal days.

4 This is the law of Jacob's God,
   for Isr'el his command.
5 This witness he for Joseph set
   when smiting Egypt's land.
   When there I heard a foreign tongue
   I could not understand.

6 I from his shoulder took the load,
   his hands from burdens freed.
7 You called me when in trouble sore;
   I saved you in your need,
   tried you at streams of Meribah;
   in thunder I gave heed.                [Selah]

8  Hear, O my people! Is-ra-el;
    'Gainst you I'll testify.
    If only you would hear me now!
9  On no strange god rely;
     have none near you; don't worship them.
10 The LORD your God am I.

     I brought you up from Egypt's land;
     your opened mouth I'll fill.
11 My people would not hear my voice;
     my Isr'el spurned me still.
12 I left them to their stubborn heart,
     to walk by their own will.

13 O that my people would me hear
     and Isr'el choose my way!
14 How soon I would their foes subdue!
     My outstretched hand I'd lay
     upon their adversaries all,
     to fill them with dismay.

15 Then all who hate the LORD would cringe,
16 in fear and dread abide.
    But Isr'el with the finest wheat
    he'd always keep supplied.
    And I with honey from the rock
    would keep you satisfied.


Psalm 80

1. Hear, O hear us, Israel's Shepherd, Who drives forth Joseph like a flock! 
From the cherubim O shine forth! Rise in valor that we be saved! 
So arise in sight of Ephraim, and Manasseh and Benjamin! 
God, we pray, O turn us! Bring us back! 
Make Your face shine, and we are saved! 

2. O how long, LORD God of Armies, burns Your wrath at Your people's prayer! 
With the bread of tears You feed them, and full measure of tears they drink! 
Strife You make us to our neighbors, and our foes laugh at us in scorn! 
God of Armies, turn us! Bring us back! 
Make Your face shine, and we are saved! 

3. You brought forth a vine from Egypt, and to plant it drove nations out. 
You made room to root it deeply, and it flourished and filled the land. 
Then its shadow wrapped the mountains, and its boughs hid the cedars tall! 
To the sea it thrust great branches forth. 
And young shoots to the mighty stream! 

4. Why have You torn down its fences? It is plucked by each passing hand! 
Forest boars have gnawed upon it, and wild creatures have pastured there! 
Turn again, O God of Armies! Look from heav'n! Visit this Your vine! 
So uphold what your right hand did plant, 
And the son You raised up in strength. 

5. It is burned and hewn in pieces - by Your frown will they be destroyed! 
Lay Your hand on him You favored, Son of man that You raised in strength! 
Then from You we will not wander; make us live! We will call Your name! 
O LORD God of Armies, turn us back! 
Make Your face shine, and we are saved! 

Psalm 79 (first half)

1.1 O God, to your inheritance the heathen entrance made;
they have defiled your house, in heaps have Salem laid.
2.2 Your servants' bodies they have cast to fowls of heav'n for meat;
the flesh of your dear saints they gave wild beasts to eat.
3.3 Their blood about Jerusalem like water they have shed;
and there was none to bury them when they were dead.
4.4 To all our neighbors we've become a scorn and a reproach
a laughingstock to all who now on us encroach.
5.5 How long, O LORD? Your wrath toward us will you forever turn?
and will your fire-like jealousy forever burn?
6.6 On heathen kingdoms pour your wrath, who call not on your name,
7 for Jacob they devour, and waste his fields with flame.
7.8 Remember not our fathers' sins, which guilt on us bestow.
Let your compassion soon meet us, brought very low.

best tunes are Holy Cross 86.84


Psalm 78 (first part)

1.1 O you my people, to my law
Attentively give ear;
The words that from my mouth proceed
Incline yourselves to hear.
2 My mouth shall speak a parable,
The sayings dark of old,
3 Which we have listened to and known
As by our fathers told.
2.4 We will not hide them from their sons
But tell the race to come
Jehovah's praises and His strength,
The wonders He has done.
5 His word He unto Jocob gave,
His law to Israel,
And bade our fathers teach their sons
6 The coming race to tell,
3.That children yet unborn might know
And their descendants lead
7 To trust in God, recall God's works,
And His commandments heed,
8 And not be like their fathers were,
A race of stubborn mood,
Which never would prepare its heart
Nor keep its faith with God.

This is all for now -- express interest and I will post some more...

Psalm 77

1 I cry to God to hear and help;
2 I sought you when distressed;
   through all the night I stretched my hands;
   my soul refused to rest.
3 I thought of you, O God, and groaned;
   and, musing, felt quite weak;
4 you kept sleep far from me, yet I
   too troubled was to speak.

5 I thought of days and years gone by,
   recalled my song at night;
6 I meditated in my heart,
   my spirit searched for light.
7 Forever will the Lord cast off?
   His favor show no more?
8 Forever has his mercy gone?
   Is his word now no more?

9 Has God forgotten all his grace
   and his compassions kind?
   Or can it be his mercies all
   he has in wrath withdrawn?
10 Then I replied: "Such questions show
     my own infirmity.
    The right hand of the Mighty God
    through years must changeless be."

11 The LORD's deeds I will celebrate;
     your works of old recall.
12 I'll ponder all that you have done,
     think on your wonders all.
13 O God, most holy is your way;
     what god is like our God?
14 O God of miracles; your strength
     you have made known abroad.

15 You have redeemed your people all,
     your arm's strength you have shown;
     your people sons of Jacob are,
     and Joseph is your own.
16 The waters saw you, God, and feared;
     the deeps were all convulsed.
17 The clouds burst and the thunder pealed;
     your arrows brightly flashed.

18 Your thunder rolled around the heav'ns;
     your lightnings lit the sky;
     the earth was trembling fearfully:
19 your way led through the sea.
     You cut your path through mighty floods,
     no footprints left behind.
20 By Moses and by Aaron you
     your flock led by their hand.
    Auld Lang Syne CMD


Psalm 76 Paraphase

God is known among His people,
Every mouth His praises fill;
From of old He hath established
His abode on Zion's hill;
There He broke the sword and arrow,
Bade the noise of war be still.

Excellent and glorious art Thou,
With Thy trophies from the fray;
Thou hast slain the valiant-hearted,
Wrapt in sleep of death are they;
When Thy anger once is risen,
Who can stand in that dread day.

When from heaven Thy sentence sounded,
All the earth in fear was still,
While to save the meek and lowly
God in judgment wrought His will;
E'en the wrath of men shall praise Thee,
Thy designs it shall fulfill.

Vow and pay ye to Jehovah,
Him your God forever own;
All men, bring your gifts before Him,
Worship Him, and Him alone;
Mighty kings obey and fear Him,
Princes bow before His throne.




Psalm 75

1. To you, O God, we render thanks, to you give thanks sincere,
     because your wondrous works declare that your great name is near.
2. When my appointed time is come, I'll judge with even hand.
3. Though earth and all its dwellers melt, I make its pillars stand.

4. I to the boastful said, "Boast not!" to vile men, "Lift no horn!
5. Do not lift up your horn on high,  nor speak with neck of scorn!"
6. For not from east nor west nor wilds comes exaltation nigh,
7. for God is judge, debasing one, another raising high.

8. The LORD pours out a foaming cup which well-mixed wine contains,
    and every wicked one on earth must drink; the dregs he drains.
9. But I will tell it evermore, to Jacob's God sing praise;
10. all horns of sinners I'll cut off, but just men's horns I'll raise.

Here's a possible tune (with the 1912 paraphrase words): Farrant C.M.


Psalm 74

A Maskil of Asaph                       Tune: Leaf 86.866.

1. Why God forever cast us off?
Why does your anger burn against the flock of your own field;
2. Recall your gathered ones you purchased from of old. 

Remember them that you redeemed, your tribe and heritage, and Zion's mount where you did dwell. 
3. O turn your steps to walk where ruin is complete!

Your foes laid waste the holy place;  4. they shouted in your halls; they set their alien emblems up; 5. it seemed as if an axe had cut down forest trees.

6. With pikes they broke the carven work; 7. the holy place they burned. The place you made your name to dwell, now even to the ground they have profaned and razed.

8. [ To be continued]

Psalm 73

1.1 God's surely good to Israel, to every one whose heart is pure.
2 but as for me, I nearly fell; my footsteps were no longer sure.
3 For I was envious of the proud and wicked ones with wealth endowed.
2.4 For till their death no pangs they know; their strength is firm from day to day;
5 they have no part in others' woe, nor plagued as mortal men are they.
6 They make their necklace arrogance, and clothe themselves with violence.
3.7 Their eyes are bulging from excess; their hearts o'er flow with dreams they seek.
8 They scoff; they threaten to oppress; disdainful words they proudly speak.
9 Their mouth the heights of heaven raids; their tongue around the world parades.
4.10 His people therefore this way turn and drink their streams that overflow.
11 "For how," they say, "can God discern?" And does the Most High really know?"
12 Behold, ungodly men are these, who gain in wealth and live at ease.

5.13 Then surely I have toiled in vain to cleanse my heart from all offense,
    and vainly from each guilty stain have washed my hands in innocence.
14 Still grievous plagues all day I've borne and have been chastened every morn.
6.15 If I would let my thoughts lead me to speak with doubting words this way,
    behold, the children called by thee I certainly would then betray.
16 But though the facts I tried to see the problem deeply troubled me.

Tune: Vader Unser *
7.17 Then came I to God's sanctuary and there considered well their end.
18 They're set on slipp'ry ground by thee, and them to ruin thou dost send.
19 How rapidly destroyed are they, by sudden terrors swept away!
8.20 As one who from a dream awakes, their form, O Lord, thou wilt despise.
21 So when my heart with grieving breaks, and bitter thoughts within me rise,
22 I senseless am, and blind within; a beast before thee I have been.

9.23 Yet evermore I am with thee;thou holdest me by my right hand.
24 And thou, ev'n thou, my guide shalt be; thy counsel shall my way command;
    and afterward in glory bright shalt thou receive me to thy sight.
10.25 For whom have I in heav'n but thee? None else on earth I long to know.
26 My flesh may faint and weary be; my heart may fail and heavy grow;
    with strength doth God my heart restore; he is my portion evermore.
11.27 They perish that are far from thee; Lo, in their lewdness they shall die.
28 But surely it is good for me that unto God I should draw nigh.
    I refuge take in GOD the Lord, that all thy works I may record.

For second half: Tune: St Petersburg
"My Hope is Built on Nothing Less"


Psalm 72 paraphrase

Christ's Kingdom among the Gentiles

1 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
Does his successive journeys run;
His kingdom stretch from shore to shore,
Till moons shall wax and wane no more.

2 Behold the islands with their kings,
And Europe her best tribute brings;
From north to south the princes meet,
To pay their homage at his feet.

3 There Persia, glorious to behold,
There India shines in eastern gold;
And barb'rous nations at his word
Submit, and bow, and own their Lord.

4 For him shall endless prayer be made,
And praises throng to crown his head;
His name like sweet perfume shall rise
With every morning sacrifice.

5 People and realms of every tongue
Dwell on his love with sweetest song;
And infant voices shall proclaim
Their early blessings on his name.

6 Blessings abound where'er he reigns,
The pris'ner leaps to lose his chains;
The weary find eternal rest,
And all the sons of want are blest.

7 Where he displays his healing power
Death and the curse are known no more;
In him the tribes of Adam boast
More blessings than their father lost.

8 Let every creature rise and bring
Peculiar honors to our King;
Angels descend with songs again,
And earth repeat the long Amen.

By Isaac Watts

Tune: Duke Street L.M.

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